Our client aimed to increase bookings and attract new customers while maximizing sales during promotional periods.
We launched a marketing campaign that combined retargeting existing customers and acquiring new ones with attractive promotions. This organic and paid strategy aimed to strengthen the brand's presence and highlight the superior quality of its boats and the experiences offered.
This campaign was a turning point, with an exceptional ROAS and a significant leap in sales. The enhancement of the brand's image and its increased attractiveness led to more bookings, reflecting the direct impact of our strategy. 6.82x ROAS
6.82x ROAS
A ROAS of 6.82x, demonstrating a remarkable return on investment.
+582% in Sales
An increased number of bookings and a more targeted clientele thanks to this campaign.
Improved Brand Image
The company now projects a more professional and high-end image that matches its target audience.
Increased Attractiveness
A clear increase in the company's appeal, encouraging more prospects to rent a boat.
"Vauclair stands out for its responsiveness and ability to understand our needs: they are a proactive ally! We've experienced remarkable growth and a very positive ROI in record time."
Alex Mongeon
Vision Marine

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